Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Hello Kengkawan

Mooooo... Hehehe hi peeps, kengkawan, bsss n looches (u guys know who u are). Miss you guys. Thot of doing this so that u guys can see what i've been up 2. Not much really. Samo-samo. Oh the calves are getting bigger by the day. N myself... I'm getting lazy by the day!! OMG!!

Summer getting hotter, Kane had a long holiday for xmas n new year, so we've been out n about. Went to the beach, waterfall etc. Sampai penat dah. Oh i miss talking in bahasa ;-(. Latape was here with Sur (Farrah, Nuyi n Raz know them) but for the rest Latape a.k.a. Al is a friend from Brissie got to know him from Farrah, he's studying there n Sur working in London etc. Had a good time with them, going around Auckland city, Rotorua n all but the best part, i was having a blast talking in my mother tongue hehehe. The truth, most of the time i talk bahasa with the calves hehehe i know sedey kan (classic case of temporary insanity hahaha). Got some feedback/reply from them but not satisfactory at all, put it this way, not up to my standard at all hahaha. Well, i'll be posting more photos here and there and we'll go from there, ok.


  1. hulloo babe! .. finally - some form of communication from you. I know you've been busylah with x'mas n new year n all. Maklumlah first x'mas.
    Anyway, PLEASE update your blogs ok? I know you like to take photos. Letak je gambo lembu byk2.
    I've never been somewhere long enough to miss speaking in Malay. But I have on occasion used 'lah' while talking to mat sallehs in the US. I wouldn't even realise it. Hehe.

  2. Oh hoiiii!!!Kak eera...yuhuuu.meh sini ana memantapkan vocab tuk bahasa melayu...so dah ader blog ni selalu lah update tau....bak kata kak nadia letak2 gambar..jgn gmbar lembu jer...hah..pe kejadahnya..muka sendiri xder..hehehe....ana busy lah sekarang..penat..kalu kak eera x kawin lagi...kih..kih..pun dah leh nak mcm dulu..ahahaha..pekerja berdedikasi katakan..aahaha..k nanti ana selalulah komen..make sure update selalu okay :)

  3. Now you have a blog, at least I know what and how you're doing. I can see you miss home so much. Take care.

    Eng Sing.

  4. Mummy looch!! I is miss yewww tooo...

  5. b wtf? virgin entry u gambo lembu..hehehe...anyways nasib baik cute miut..of course i dh agak nacio will be the first person to comment...BFF lah katakan..so b jgn x update n sonyap jek...looking fwd to see all your malay speaking lembus kat blog u nih! tata
